
Notice: Please make out checks to Parkwood at Kensington HOA, not Quality Management. Quality’s address is 1761 W. Hillsboro Blvd. #312, Deerfield Beach, FL, 33442.

February, 2022

Current Newsletter

Parkwood at Kensington HOA February 2022 Newsletter


Dear Neighbor,

We hope your 2022 is off to a great start. We have several things to share with the HOA.

In addition, we have included a copy of the 2021 Financials as well as the 2022 Budget.


HOA Board Meetings

  • The current Board held one meeting in December 2020, four meetings in 2021 and recently held a January 2022 meeting.  Meeting Minutes can be found on our website.  Due to the pandemic, the Board elected to keep these meetings as small as possible for the health and safety of all those involved.  Soon, we will announce a HOA meeting for all residents in March.  

Alarm System

  • The current alarm monitoring contract expires 1/28/23.  In December, several homeowners had their alarm systems brought into compliance with the recent industry 5G technology upgrade.  If you were not contacted and your alarm is working, your hardware was already in compliance.

Monthly Maintenance Payments

  • Due to increases in 2022 expenses, the Board voted to ***raise the Monthly Maintenance from $70 to $95*** starting April 1, 2022.  Please see the included 2022 Budget for further details on the expected increase in expenses. 


  • Just a couple notes regarding parking your vehicles:

    ·         Please DO NOT block the sidewalk, it is illegal.

    ·         Please DO NOT park facing oncoming traffic, you should always park facing the way traffic is flowing

General Appearance

Recently, we have received several complaints regarding the general appearance of quite a few properties.  Let’s all use the next few weeks to spend some time and energy on tidying up our homes.  Among the items that many of us could stand to improve:

  • Pressure washing driveway and sidewalk

  • Removing weeds from driveway and sidewalk

  • Removing weeds from landscape

  • Watering/caring for lawn and landscape

  • Trimming trees


One of our main objectives is to protect the members’ investment, and hopefully increase property values.


With gratitude,

Parkwood at Kensington HOA Board