Latest Board Minutes

September 28th, 2021

Location       5609 NW 109th Ln
Date                September 28th, 2021
Time               7:00pm – 8:00pm


Call to Order                                                            

  • Dan called meeting to start at 7:02pm


Roll Call        

  • Dan Thomerson, Bill Duke, Murt Hasham, Joe McHugh


Approval of Agenda

  • Members voted to approve September 28th Agenda


Approval of Previous Minutes        

  • Members voted to approve May 29th Minutes


Director Reports

  • President         Dan addressed the Board and updated them on neighborhood business.

  • VP                   Bill updated the Board on Landscape, Irrigation contractors.


Old Business

  • No old business to discuss


New Business

  • Architectural Review Form & Committee - Dan/Bill

  • Website - Dan

  • Alarm System - All


Open Discussion / Next Steps                                              

  • Board discussed various topics.


Adjourn Meeting                                                                  

  • Motion to adjourn was made by Dan at 8:10pm and seconded by Bill.